It is a Fresh Oyster Mushroom marinara with whole wheat organic pasta.
2 tomatoes
1/2 onion
1/2 lemon
1 hand full of fresh Oyster Mushrooms
1 hand full of fresh Tarragon and Oregano
Sea Salt
Extra virgin olive oil
1 cup of whole wheat pasta
Red Sea Salt
Once the water is boiling through in both whole tomatoes for 1 minute. Keep the water boiling as you will use this for the pasta. When the skin starts to crack take them out and put them under cold water for 30 seconds. Peal the skin, dice then into rough cubes and set aside. At this point roughly chop the onion and the oyster mushrooms and throw them into a pain with hot extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. At this point put the pasta into the water, and from here the timing will be perfect
After the onion and the mushrooms welt a bit and become golden throw in the tomatoes. Add a couple spoons full of pasta water and squeeze in the half a lemon and let it cook down for 5-10 minutes. Taste periodically for salt
When the pasta feels like it is almost done take it out and put it directly into the sauce. Throw in the fresh herbs. (Rip them apart into pieces with your hands). Toss around the in the pan for 30 seconds and transfer to the plate. Sprinkle the pasta with a pinch of Red Hawaiian Sea Slat and eat...
Cooking time 20 minutes
Cost: $3.50 cents
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